Below are my two submissions for the Human Impact Institute's 2025 Creative Climate Awards.

the surface"
Beneath the surface of the ocean, a delicate dance takes place to create a healthy and balanced ecosystem. Each species plays its part, down to the smallest coral polyp- which not only gives life to thousands of other creatures, but even contributes to our life and the oxygen we breathe on land. We often forget how much life is happening in places we cannot see, but to keep them out of mind is to forget their importance.
This 12"x12" original design is made of delinquent net and rope pieces that have washed up on the shores of Kaua'i, often floating in from thousands of miles away. Beneath the surface of these ropes are plastic oyster spacer tubes- something we find frequently washing up on our beaches here in Hawai'i. I never cut the ropes to fit my vision, I work with whatever length and shape they are found (or removed from larger net entanglements) in order to not produce more debris. ​


This whimsical floral arrangement is made of shreds of fishing nets and rope, situated in a fish-bitten bottle and mounted on 7.5x9" piece of thick plastic. All were found on the shores of Kaua'i.
The fish bitemarks point to one of the sad realities of ocean plastic-that animals are eating these inedible and often toxic plastics.
All materials have been incorporated into the design exactly as they were found- no cutting or coloring in order to prevent creating more waste.